Happy 4th of July to you all!
It's one of my favorite holidays with having burgers on the grill, spending time outdoors and watching the fireworks. I love to watch them, especially the city's display, but I dread purchasing them! Every year I hear about fireworks for a good two weeks from Tyler. He's a boy and boys tend to love fire and things that go boom, so it's no surprise. I do enjoy that our city has an ordinance against lighting them off for weeks on end and they only allow selling them for 2 days prior to the 4th. That saves me big dollars! However, I still managed to spend $68 this year. My limit is $50, but Grant kept loading up the cart and I couldn't keep it calculated in my head. I could have told the sales lady to put a few back, but the proceeds go to a good cause...our church youth group. I do love that I can help out with that!
Happy 4th of July to you too.
I love that you bribed them with a Wii. I wish I had thought of that. I love everything about this holiday except holding my breath the entire time they are lighting fireworks!
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