I love your big, brown eyes... I love everything about you... your eyes tell me that you're a darling sweet funny inquisitive boy... and that's what I love about you...with those big, brown eyes!
I took this picture at the Children's Museum and I loved how he looked right at me. Usually I don't get that. He's not one to pose for me like my older two.
Aww too cute. That's one of those pictures you're going to remember even when he's 20 years old :o)
I took this picture at the Children's Museum and I loved how he looked right at me. Usually I don't get that. He's not one to pose for me like my older two.
so sweet. he does have great big brown eyes!
He looks like a precious little hoot owl peeking out at you.
Mindee-- You are right...he's poking his head out of that tree that's in the middle of the Children's Museum, so hoot owl is a good resemblance.
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