Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break Draws to a Close

Spring Break is just about over.....sigh! Tomorrow it's back to work, back to school and a crazy week ahead of me filled with volleyball, softball, soccer and baseball practice. The good news, it's a shortened week. We have this Friday off due to the Easter holiday. I can't beat that! are a few random pictures of our nine day of festivities that I haven't blogged yet.

Madison had one sleepover and several play dates with her girlfriends (Emmie, Kate, Jessi, Clare and Aleni). I can't say I've ever had this many of Madison's friends over before in a week's time, but I wanted it to be a fun week for my kids as well as myself.
Tyler spent the majority of his week hanging out with his buddy Seth. They were together, I believe, 7 out of the 9 days. I'd think they would have been grown tired of one another. Guess not.

After taking this photo, I noticed a rogue snowman hanging around. I quickly removed him. No more signs of winter anywhere!
Then I worked on finishing my Spring Break To-Do list. Today I looked at last year's list and realized they were ironically pretty much the same. Unfortunately, I still did not get the painting done, which I now listed two years in a row. I did get all the rest on the list accomplished AND I did do my fair share of scrapbooking, book reading and movie watching! Really...that's what a break is all about anyway!
This is a quick picture of my co-workers (Kristi, Kathy & Sherri) in a parking garage. I forgot to take a picture earlier of us eating at Panera Bread or at the theater before the movie. They were really glad that I didn't forget altogether! :)

Did I also mention that I watched the Moon over break again and again? I'm definitely a "Twilight Mom"!


mamahasspoken said...

You just blogged about my least favorite part of spring break, when it ends and you realize you didn't get half of what you wanted done, done. I have this Friday off too, work next week, then it is my spring break! Can't wait!!!!

Amy said...


Okay...I'm now envious! I so want to start over on Spring Break. I can't even imagine what I could possibly accomplish with two weeks! LOL

Connie said...

what is it about those movies!?
catching up on your the bathroom pics by the way LOL!