Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cleaning Chaos

I am having "one of those days". I decided to spend the majority of my day cleaning the house since it's a mess and I will soon be back to work permanently. Well, I started cleaning the bathroom and while scrubbing the tub I found a hole. This hole isn't the drain either (for those of you who might think I'm that dumb), it's in the back where it's low enough that I can't fill the tub with water without it leaking. This is the fourth time in the short seven years of owning this house that we've had a hole. Darn tub! So, I spent about 45 minutes tracking down someone to fix it at $50 an hour. Grrr!

Next, I decided to scrub with Soft Scrub with bleach. Me and bleach don't mix so I even scrubbed the tub (with the hole) topless in hopes of not getting any bleach on my shirt. Well, I put my shirt back on for phone calls and then resumed cleaning and got bleach on my shirt while scrubbing the sink. Go figure!

After bleaching and scrubbing, I tried vacuuming, which was another debacle. I sucked up a small plastic object that I got lodged in the metal part of the hand wand of the vacuum. Darn it! I can't dislodge it, so I am hoping Andy can fix it. No more vacuuming today!

Finally, I used window cleaner to do the mirrors of the bathroom and got Windex in my eye. That's it! I've had enough of cleaning! Life is better with a dirty house!


mamahasspoken said...

Know the feeling, still have three bedrooms that I haven't touch yet even though I started the 'heavy cleaning' a month ago...

Jill said...

That's why I don't clean.