Andy is in his 18th year at Olsson Associates. He started shortly after Tyler was born and has been there since. Andy spends his free time attending the kids activities as well as help out with our yearly youth auction that supports our mission work.
Tyler is a senior at Lincoln North Star and is enjoying his last year. He is currently wrestling (7-2 record so far) as well as keeping busy with his job at Legacy Terrace where he waits tables. Tyler is also active with National Honor Society, Jr. Booster Club and St. Mark's Youth Group. Tyler and I had the opportunity to travel to New York and work for Habitat for Humanity as well as see the Statue of Liberty. Tyler plans on attending UNL next year and majoring in engineering.
Madison is fourteen and an eighth grader at Dawes Middle School. Madison keeps busy with every sport you can see by the Christmas card. Madison took second in the city track meeting running the 400 in 1:07. Madison's favorite sport is soccer and we allowed her to play on two teams both spring and fall, which kept us on the go. Madison also plays the clarinet as well as try her best to be involved in church youth group. Today she delivered Christmas gift baskets to the underprivileged, which is always a heartwarming experience! Madison attended two mission trips this year: Dallas and Chicago.
Grant turned eight this fall and is a second grader at Campbell Elementary. Grant loves Math and P.E. Grant has spent this year playing soccer as well as wrestle with Northside Wrestling. We think Grant
was born to wrestle and is quite fun to watch! Grant plans on trying indoor soccer in January.
Ranger, our beloved Schnauzer, is nine years old and still a happy dog. He sleeps a bit more, but can still keep up with Grant on short runs. Ranger loves to greet anyone who is willing to give him a tummy rub!
Okay, my turn...I am always trying to juggle teacher and the mom job all year long. I am currently teaching at Campbell, my seventh year, but first year in 3rd grade. The switch from Kindergarten has been quite the learning curve, but I have been blessed with 20 fun and fantastic kids! I could not have asked for a better class. I am also involved with teaching Sunday School as well as help out with the youth auction with Andy. I am still scrapbooking with my scrapping friends and trying to get Tyler's album done, which does make me sad he's ready to "leave the nest".
Hope to hear from you this Christmas season and hear about your many blessings in 2014! Have a wonderful and healthy 2015!
Love---Andy, Amy, Tyler, Madison & Grant (oh, Ranger too)